Friday, October 19, 2007

Suzie's articles

I read a couple of articles for the assignment. Here are the refernces and summary of some:

Johnson, L (2004-2005). Using Technology to Enhance Intranational Studies. International Journal of Social Education, 19, Retrieved October 16, 2007, from

- An elementary school teacher discusses how a lot of students are naive about the different cultures that exist in the United States. The author recommends using technology, such as Webquests, to have students learn more about the different cultures found in America (she uses the example of Native Americans).

Kingsley, K. (2007). 20 Ways to...Empower Diverse Learners With Educational Technology and Digital Media. Intervention in School and Clinic. 43, 52-56.
- 20 ways that teachers can use technology and other media either in lessons or in the classroom in general. Includes ideas such as using technology-supported assessment, using blogs to communicate with other teachers and/or parents, integrating technology, and other such ideas on how teachers can become more technology savvy.

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